Monday 9 June 2014

A prayer for Kefee- Needs A Miracle To Live!

Six months pregnant kokoroko crooner, Kefee Obareki Don Momoh had embarked on a 14-hour long flight to Chicago on Friday, but went into coma mid air which forced the plane make emergency landing in Los Angeles so she have could access to medical treatment after which she came out on social media to say she was fine an all was well.

But much later news filtered in that she was back in comma and this time needs our prayers.

More scary details have continued to emerge as to Kefee's state of health!
Tribune newspapers exclusively gathered that now, Kefee Obareki Don Momoh is in need of a miracle to live!

One of the doctors handling the case allegedly explained to a close pal of Kefee who is a Nigerian musician but based in the US that Kefee's condition is very critical and that her chances for survival is very narrow going by her complicated situation of being pregnant and also diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Dr Adeyefa, said this to Tribune; “Kefee is in a precarious situation because of the six months pregnancy. If the foetus had been nine months, the doctors would have removed the baby and saved the mother and child. As it is now, not only will the baby not survive because the carrier is in coma, Kefee may also lose her life from further complications. The chances of the mother surviving is narrow, while the kid has a narrower chance. I urge Nigerians to pray for her for a miracle because that is what she really needs,” he added.

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