Monday 9 June 2014

“Look at his house – it’s massive, yet he acquired poor people’s own” – Pres. Jonathan’s neighbours

Residents of Otuoke — a tiny island community in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State,– are accusing Pres. Jonathan where according to Punch reports has his sprawling country home of deliberately using his influence and wealth to coerce them into selling their houses to him as he makes moves to expand his estate in the area.

Punch reports further stated that last year Pres. Jonathan, according to locals, acquired properties adjacent his mansion.

The houses were said to spread across approximately seven acres of land at Otuoba, a stone throw from the President’s mansion, were acquired with compensation paid to the owners so as to enable them to relocate elsewhere.

But other sources revealed that Jonathan was said to have been put off by the dilapidated sight of the buildings, hence his decision to acquire them. Ever since, the flood-prone large expanse of land has been empty.

Our correspondent learnt that while some of the affected homeowners took solace in the monetary reward, others scoffed at the entire idea. Many in this category, it was learnt, claimed the monetary compensation was not enough to build them a decent house.
A resident, who identified himself only as Ebitimi, wondered why the President would make life difficult for his neighbours in spite the acres of land on which his mansion sits.
“As for me, this is a case of avarice and oppression. Look at his house – it is massive. As you can see, he has more than six gigantic buildings in there.
“He even has enough space left in his compound, yet he went and acquired poor people’s own.
“In his compound, there is a helipad and plenty of space. Does he not want poor people to live near him? I wonder, power really intoxicates."
 Another resident, who craved anonymity for safety reasons, revealed that they are surprised that Jonathan who has the means to acquire virgin lands in undeveloped areas, was instead pushing ordinary people with little or no financial muscle to live in those places.

According to the source, since the latest development, house owners close to the President’s mansion now live in fear, uncertain what the next minute could bring.
“We are now consumed in fear that Jonathan may come after our houses or land. I wonder what he intends to do with all the land he has acquired. When he became the President of the country, we were happy that one of our own is occupying the number one position in Nigeria. But, is this the way he wants to pay us back?”
 Preye as he calls himself, is also a long standing resident in the locality. He told our correspondent that he would resist any move to have him sell his house against his wish by anybody regardless of the amount involved.
“In case he (Jonathan) is not satisfied with his acquisition so far, he should go and acquire lands in undeveloped places which are scattered all across Bayelsa.
“He is a man of immense means and he is capable of developing the forests. He should stop intimidating us.”
 Interestingly, while the likes of Ebitimi and Preye frowns at the President’s actions in this regard, there are others wishing the man at Aso Rock, Nigeria’s seat of power, would have a glance at their houses and sign them a fat cheque.

Pere Fyneface, a businessman, told our correspondent he would jump at the chance to sell his property to Jonathan. He recounted how floods took over most parts of the state last year and how their houses were almost washed away.
“If the President did not help them by acquiring them, they would have left the area on their own. I think Jonathan should be commended for rescuing them out of the unpleasant situation they found themselves before their houses were bought from them."
“It takes people who have the money to live comfortably in this area the President acquired. That he paid them more than what it took them to build their houses should be lauded,” Fyneface said.
 The area around Jonathan’s country home looked deserted in the course of the week when our correspondent visited. Former residents whose houses were acquired have since moved on. The swampy area has been taken over by bushes, pending when construction would start on the land.

However, at the President’s home, more construction work was ongoing.Constuzioni Generali Nigeria Limited was seen constructing a luxury penthouse suite in the compound.


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