Thursday 12 June 2014

The Ten World Cup 2014 Commandments are here!

World cup commandments

The World Cup is here and with it, the 10 commandments. The source of these commandments is not well known but they seem to cater quite well for the soccer fanatics who have made it a trending topic. Its is a season that will be met with love and loathe in competing measures. Here are the 10 commandments which come in form of a contract.

From June 12th -July 13th the TV is mine. At all times.

 When England are playing, it’s an all-day event.

 Walking in front of the TV at any time is strictly forbidden 

The replays of the goals are very important. I don’t care if I've seen the already. I want to see them again. 

The fridge must be stocked up with beer/cider 24/7

 If/when England lose DO NOT say: It's only a game/ Get over it/ They will win next time. 

All love & affection must wait until half time or when the games have finished.

 Any other events that may occur during the World Cup must be discussed & arranged accordingly. 

Do not ask what the offside rule is.

 If you hear me shout your name, be ready to: Grab me a drink/ Grab me a snack/ Get batteries for the remote.

By Njambi Mungai 

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