Sunday 27 April 2014

Evaezi on Wishing for Lighter Skin & Breast Enhancement



Dark-skinned singer and actress, Evaezi Ogoro,tells Ademola Olonilua about her fashion sense
Why is it that most times when you go for events you apply light make-up?
Actually I like make-up. I think make-up in itself is an art and it takes a highly creative person to achieve a good make-up job. I appreciate the creativity of a great make-up artist. I don’t see myself as a great make-up artist but I try my best. I make up according to where I am going. If I am not going anywhere or I just want to hang out with friends, I don’t really think I need to make up but if I am going on the red carpet, I use make-up creatively. I try to use some colours just to set me apart. I make up according to the situation.
Your ear holes do not seem to be even, how come?
I perced two holes on each ear and one hole is bigger than the other. At some point in my career when I was still trying to define my style, I loved wearing a long dangling earring  and leaving the other ear free. I think that made one hole bigger than the other.
As a dark-skinned person, have you ever wished you were fair in complexion?
Yes, there was a point in my life when I wished I was fair skinned but that was when I was younger and naïve. I think it was after my secondary school or when I was going into the university. I had a crush on a guy and he liked this particular fair girl. I assumed that maybe he liked the girl because she was fair. When I asked around, especially some of my ‘unfriendly’ friends at the time told me to try a particular cream that toned the skin. Instead of saying the cream bleached, they told me it toned the skin. They said it would bring the skin colour out more and I believed them. As God would have it, I have a very sensitive skin so I cannot use just anything. When I used the cream, I had a serious skin reaction and it was a terrible reaction that gave me a burning sensation. After that, I felt content with my natural skin colour.
Now that there are better products in the market, would you still want to be fair skinned?
Never. Would I say God made a mistake? There are some creams that nourish the skin with some vitamins to make it healthier. When you have a healthy skin, it glows but does not change colour. When you start using harsh chemically-enhanced creams because you are trying to be fair, you are stripping your skin of nutrients and its protective cover. Should such the person need surgery, it would affect the person because by the time the doctors would need to stitch the person, the skin would not be hard enough to hold the stitches. This would definitely cause complication. There are a lot of down sides to bleaching. I love myself the way I am and I doubt if I would want to change my skin colour.
If you were to either enlarge or reduce any part of your body, what would it be?
If I was asked this question about eight years ago, I would shout yes. I was a late bloomer and at some point, I was really crazy about breast enhancement. It was the time when there was the craze about Modupe Ozolua. I actually went to how to enquire how much it would cost me to have breast enlargement. Also the girls in secondary school then used to make jest of me because I did not have bust but big buttocks. I always wondered why I was flat in front and big behind. Then I was thinking of getting breast enlargement. As I grew older, I began to realise that my being big behind is actually an asset. I thank God the boobs being came out. Right now, there is nothing I would want to increase or reduce.
When it comes to fashion, what does your boyfriend like you wearing?
He likes me wearing body hugging clothes. He likes stretch material on me as well. He likes short gowns that are sassy and sexy.
How did you meet him?
We had been very good friends for a long time. He always made me laugh but I never saw him as being my lover. I had already put him in ‘friend zone.’ Unknown to me, he was loving me from afar and always respected me. He was there when I dated some guys and it did not work out. He was always my support and one day, he seized the opportunity of a collapsed relationship I had to pour out his mind. It still took me a long while to see him as a lover. As God would have it, I eventually saw him in that light and the rest is history.
What is your fashion weakness?
I am a perfume freak. I love gold and jewellery accessories. I love mixing my perfumes because they give an explosive aroma. I have about six different bottles of perfume right now and I think I still need to get more. I love fragrance and later in life I would still have my own perfume line.
You say you love accessories, what is the highest amount you can spend on them?
I am a very prudent spender but I think I can spend as much as N100,000 on just an item.
How easy is it for a plus sized lady to get clothes to buy in Nigeria?
It is a lot better now. There are some boutiques that are dedicated to just plus sized ladies and people with big feet. There are actually some boutiques that I know that offer such services. Now even normal boutiques stock their shops with sizes 16 and 18. I am a size 14/16 and it is a lot easier to get what I want unlike before. The truth is that we are in Africa and African women are normally plus sized.
You are known as a musician but recently you delved into the movie industry; why?
Acting has always been a passion. While growing up, it was always music and movies for me. I could be in front of the television for a whole day. It has always been on my mind to be an actress and a singer. Music started first and I have always been begging my uncle, Kingsley Ogoro, to allow me act but he never agreed probably because of my late father. I got the opportunity when Charles Novia called me and said he needed a singer to play a part in his movie.  From that movie, Emem Isong called and I later went on to act in Shuga.
If your father were alive, do you think he would have allowed you to explore your talent?
My father was a strict person. I was quite stubborn and it has not left me till today. Initially, he was not happy with me delving into music. I stood my ground and eventually, his friends started telling him they loved my songs when they watched me on television. He was okay with my career before he died and if he was alive, I know he would not have had a problem.

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